The Seniors results from Wednesday 10th January 2018 are as follows: winners: Joe Burke, Martin Farrell, Sheila Costello 2nd: John Molloy, Padraig Malone, Evelyn Clarke.
The first round of the 2018 Men’s Winter League was played on Sunday 14th January. Winner Noel Flesk (19) 33pts, 2nd Ray Moore (18) 32pts, Gross Basil King (7) 26pts.
Round 2 of the Men’s winter league starts on Monday 15th and continues until Sunday 21st January. Entry is €5 and re-entry is also €5.
All members are reminded that your membership subscription is now due for payment. Please contact any of our Management Committee for details, or Secretary: DONAL KILLEEN @ 0872247738, Treasurer: HELEN CUNNINGHAM @ 0851633231.