From: Alan Kelly – GUI
7 Nov 2018, 15:46
To: Club Communication Officers, Hon. Secretaries
FAO: All club members and staff
The proposal to establish a single governing body was published recently and information evenings have been held at clubs across all four provinces.
We received questions from golf club members about the plan and the CEO of the GUI Pat Finn joined the CEO of the ILGU Sinead Heraty in a podcast to answer those questions and give more insight into the proposal.
Please circulate the text below to all your committees and members. You can also use the attached image if you wish to post it on social media.
Dear Member
The GUI and ILGU have published a proposal for a single governing body for golf in Ireland. Clubs will vote on this proposal in January 2019.
To give a better understanding on what the new body will do and how it will be for the good of the game, Pat Finn (CEO, GUI) and Sinead Heraty (CEO, ILGU) took part in a recent podcast where they answered questions from golfers about the plan.
We encourage you to listen to the podcast on one of the channels below:
If you have questions about the proposal that you would like the CEOs to address in a future podcast, please email your questions to
Many thanks.
SOCIAL MEDIA – feel free to copy and paste this message with the attached image to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram etc.
“For the good of the game” – proposal for a new governing body for golf in Ireland – find out more in the latest GUI podcast, see #GolfIreland
Many thanks
Alan Kelly MPRII Dip ESA
Communications Manager
Golfing Union of Ireland
A: Carton Demesne | Maynooth | Co Kildare | W23 R8C6 | Ireland
T: +353 (0)1 5054000 | M: +353 (0)870 679 879 | W:
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