Club Notes – 9th of October 2017

Seniors results from Wednesday 4th October. Winners: Dermot O’Mahony, John Fanning, Charlie Porter. 2nd: Iggy O’Brien, Mary Cunningham.

On Saturday 7th and Sunday 8th October the Ladies 18 holes stableford competition was sponsored by Angela Kelly and Anne Burke. Winner: Emma Morrow 44pts, 2nd: Helen Costello 38pts, 3rd: Chrissie Hogan 37pts. Thank you to Angela and Anne for their generous sponsorship.

The Captains Versus President Men’s winners were as follows: 1st: Louis Earls 43pts, 2nd: PJ Flaherty 42pts, Gross: Basil King 35pts, 3rd: Michael Conneally 41pts (on back 9), 4th: Jimmy Connolly 41pts. Congratulations to the Captains selections who won the 2017 Challenge between the Captains and the President.

On Sunday 15th October the Men’s Presentation of Prizes will place at 8.30pm in the clubhouse. Prizes for the following competitions will be presented:
– Jono’s of Ealing,
– The Gilmore Trophy,
– Tony McCormack Car Sales,
– Moylough Cup.

Members are reminded that the Men’s Annual General Meeting will take place on Sunday November 12th. Those wishing to propose a member to be part of the 2018 committee should ensure that the person is eligible to be elected, and proposed and seconded by two FULL members (in writing). All proposals for the meeting (signed by the proposer and seconder) must be submitted to DONAL KILLEEN c/o Mountbellew Golf Club or at